Our Clients

Who do we work with?

New Pastures Housing does not discriminate when looking at who we support. Our charity status commits us to only providing support to those who are deemed vulnerable and require supported living.

Apartment Housing
Housing Support

How do we provide support?

Once we receive a completed referral form, we allocate a Support Officer to visit the applicant and they carry out a full risk and support needs assessment.

Once we have all the information we need, we then begin to source an appropriate property. Once we have a property, we then carry out any works, furnish the property and ensure its ready for the applicant to move in.

On move in day, the Support Officer will meet the tenant to build the support plan going forward. This will be completed in coordination with any other support providers that the tenant is working with. We will collaborate as a team for the best interests of the tenant.

That Support Officer will work with the tenant for the duration of their tenancy

Why do we work in this way?

This is the easy part! There is a problem in our society and we want to help fix it! We live in a world with a growing, ageing population where there is a distinct shortage of housing.

Homelessness is on the rise with a myriad of causes contributing to that rise. People are coming across real challenges in maintaining a roof over their head leading inevitably to further complications physically and mentally as the stress increases.

At New Pastures Housing, we believe that the start of fixing the problem lies with the provision of a secure, comfortable environment that people can call home; that’s why we do it!

Houses For The Homeless
Supported Housing

There is no definition in law as to what a vulnerable adult is, however several statutory bodies have created definitions to help organisations like ourselves make the right choices. The below definition describes perfectly the type of individual we can support.

“A vulnerable adult is a patient who is or may be for any reason unable to take care of him or herself, or unable to protect him or herself against significant harm or exploitation.”

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